select center_gb from md_medical_team where del_dt is null and br_cd = [https:; group by center_gb order by case center_gb when '관절클리닉' then 0 when '척추클리닉' then 1 when '내과' then 2 when '신경과' then 3 when '가정의학과' then 4 when '영상의학과' then 5 when '마취과' then 6 when '통증관리센터' then 7 when '비수술치료센터' then 8 when '재활의학과' then 9 else 10 end
1064 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[https:; group by center_gb order by case center_gb when '관절클리' at line 1
error file : /index.php/br/doclist/27/br_cd/[https: